All's well, but it has been funny to watch how Tom may move as an old man. He had a patch on his right eye for the first 24 hours and has had to have dilating drops and ointment put in it regularly. Luckily the perkoset has allowed him to sleep better than that first night! We go back to the Dr. tomorrow, hopefully all will be almost as good as newl. He's been peeking out more and more today, and even got some fresh air outside while we planned our camping trip for this Thurs/Fri when the kids are off from school. Getting so excited, hopefully Tom will have enough use out of his eye to get some depth perception so we can bike the C&O Canal trail by the Paw Paw Tunnel . We're also hoping that "all fun and games until someone gets their eye poked out" has a little more meaning for our kids now! (Not like we really say that. Usually Tom's the instigator anyway. His favorite way for that quote to end is "then it's still fun but you just can't see." Shouldn't surprise you if you've already heard me whining about hearing Beth who used to LOVE to sing Row, Row, Row Your Boat, suddenly start singing to me one day "Blow, blow, blow your nose, quickly comes the stream..." and it was a 34 year old who'd taught her, not a LITTLE kid.)
5 years ago
Yo-Ho-Ho and two bottles of rum.
Hope you soon feel better and that everything heals neatly.
Love, Dad
Yikes! I hope Tom feels better and you get to go on your camping trip.
MAN. I'm glad his eye is okay! I hope your camping trip is great!! We should all go camping together again sometime!
Deja vu!! (sp?) I seem to remember the same woman (Su) taking ME into the optometrist after a sleepless (and tearful!!) night with a ripped, was it my cornea? Oh, and I LOVED those days of darkened room/ointment/drops! So it sounds like at least it wasn't deep enough for mister 20/20 to get an astigmatism. I hope he has a cool scar (although I doubt it will be Mickey Mouse shaped!!) Three cheers for those who inadvertently break their eyes!! (I must say, Tom's little four year-old eye-breaking helper is a LOT cuter than mine was [contacts])
Poor Tommy! I hope your eye gets feeling better soon. And by the way, love that hair :)
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