Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Whole New World-sung Ariel-Style

I've been having a bit of a day. You know the days where you call one place and they can't help you and it involves thousands of dollars you'll have to lose. Then you get an email saying that things you thought you had taken care of somehow didn't get completed by people you trusted to finish them. Then you find out that your son's teacher only this week for the first time all year realized that he has a sense of humor, which really emphasizes, once again, that this teacher doesn't know or understand your child in the least.

Well, there are a lot of other things for that list, but I just wanted to post this picture. But the background was: having a not-great day, but there's something about preschoolers dancing on the kitchen table that just lifts my spirits :)
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LisAway said...

Oh Su! I'm sorry you're having a rotten day. I feel like going to my room, curling up in a ball and bawling my eyes out right now, too. Can you send your girls over, please? WITH the costumes, of course.

Hope your day gets better and less expensive.

Anne said...

I can't decide which is cuter, the fairy princess or the houdini princess!

How slow is Thomas' teacher?!? ARGHHH!

Angela Draper said...

I'm so sorry you were having such a rotten day! No fun. But those little girls sure are cute! Ellie is going to love this. Hope things get better!

gramalee said...

Who needs therapy with those two charming minstrels to take one's mind off one's troubles. I hope your troubles are gone by now. xo

holly b said...

I love Lil's dramatics! what a way to lift your spirits.